Recycling water
Recycling water for reuse applications instead of using freshwater supplies can be a water-saving measure.
Habitat Model
Habitats with a minimum footprint on the planet and a maximum positive impact on the local community.
Organic Garden
Learn how to use organic gardening methods to grow the freshest food in your fruit and vegetable garden.
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A propos de nous
Tiers-Lieu enraciné au cœur de l'Ardenne
Le Coworking GARE! s’inscrit dans le projet GARE! dont il constitue le premier pilier, la première phase de réalisation. Il prend ses quartiers dans 350m2 adjacents au restaurant Les Gamines et à l’hôtel du Val de Poix ce qui en fait un espace de travail unique en son genre.
Changing the world is possible.
We’ve done it before.
Recycling water
Recycling water for reuse applications instead of using freshwater supplies can be a water-saving measure.
Habitat Model
Habitats with a minimum footprint on the planet and a maximum positive impact on the local community.
Organic Garden
Learn how to use organic gardening methods to grow the freshest food in your fruit and vegetable garden.
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